Vertical gardens are not such a new trend anymore, although, in recent years, this type of gardening style has gained more and more popularity. In fact, they will continue to be a thriving gardening trend as we advance into 2023 and beyond. And there are many reasons why this is happening…
For starters, they can save a great deal of space for individuals who don’t have that much room available for growing an outdoor garden or placing potted plants indoors. Not to mention, vertical gardens are stunning and can instantly brighten up the space, catching anyone’s attention.
Vertical gardens are precisely what the name entails. So, this structure uses a method of vertically suspended plants, usually by using the hydroponics technique but also soil planting at times. Instead of the traditional type of garden that is grown outward, a vertical garden is a landscape that extends upwards.
Professional and novice gardeners alike are starting to adopt this style more and more, especially if they have limited spaces they need to use to their fullest potential. A vertical garden does just that – give life to a corner or area that wouldn’t normally allow for a full garden to grow.

In addition, a vertical garden is exceptionally versatile because it is an excellent addition to personal homes as well as businesses and other public establishments, creating a unique aesthetic and calming atmosphere. For this reason, there is no doubt that the popularity of vertical gardens will not decrease any time soon. Plus, vertical gardens are more than just beautiful and soothing decorations. They can refresh the environment, giving life to any space and removing impurities from the air.
So, vertical gardens represent a unique form of landscaping, meant to enhance the aesthetic of any space, regardless of its size, given it can be grown easily both indoors and outdoors, no matter how small your room is. But at the same time, they are also practical and much easier to grow, as no bending or weeding is required.
If you are thinking of growing a vertical garden, you are probably looking for more information other than it having many advantages such as being a practical, versatile, and stunning addition to your place. Keep reading the rest of the article to uncover more useful details about vertical gardens that can guide the entire process.
Vertical Garden Benefits
Until now, you might have realized that growing a vertical garden comes with a series of advantages. Compared to horizontal gardens that extend outward, not upward, which have their own advantages, vertical gardens are more than just a beautiful design idea.
While the aesthetic of the place is definitely improved if it has a vertical garden, there are also other benefits that other garden types don’t possess, such as fitting in small spaces.
In order to paint a perfect – and accurate – picture, we have compiled a list of benefits within this guide so that if you decide to grow a vertical garden, you know how this decision can help you in more than just one way. Without further ado, here are six of the benefits of vertical gardening which make this type of landscaping a lasting popular trend:
1. A vertical garden can maximize the space
For individuals passionate about gardening, but who don’t have a considerable amount of space available – how many times have you wondered where you can fit all the plants you wish to grow?
At the same time, if you have a business, whether it is a small shop or café, or your office has limited space for any decorative objects, let alone plants, chances are you will struggle to fit a few potted plants in a place where they aren’t in anyone’s way. In any of these cases mentioned above, there is one viable and recommended solution that can save the day: vertical gardens!

One of the most significant reasons many individuals opt for growing or installing a vertical garden in their home, office, or business is that they can easily fit any space. Indeed, depending on the availability, the vertical garden would have to fit accordingly.
However, it is still the best option and the only one that can maximize the space. Therefore, the benefit of a vertical garden is that it can help you use any area to its fullest potential, irrespective of its size and position.
2. A vertical garden improves air quality
It is a widely known fact that gardens are an excellent method of improving air quality. Even by having a few potted plants indoors in an apartment or house, you can considerably enhance the air you breathe inside. This happens thanks to a simple yet vital process in nature: photosynthesis. Because plants use sunlight and water and absorb carbon dioxide, and, in turn, they produce oxygen, the result is that air quality is significantly improved for humans. This is why even a small number of plants in an indoor environment can benefit it a great deal.

So, what could be a better air-filtering method than a living green wall, your vertical garden? Given it is attached to walls, it can maximize the space, being able to add more plants, and hence providing a better source of air filtering. Therefore, whether the vertical garden is in your home or office, there is no denying that the quality of the air will be improved, thanks to this green wall’s ability to metabolize toxins and release oxygen on a larger scale than potted plants would ever be able to do.

So, because vertical gardens – and plants in general – have the ability to purify the air as they can increase the humidity and absorb pollutants while converting carbon dioxide into fresh and clear oxygen, there is no denying that they can improve the overall well-being of individuals. This benefit alone will probably persuade you to grow a vertical garden as soon as possible. Plus, let’s not forget how stunning they look. The aesthetic will be enhanced in an instant, as the quality of life for everyone around will.
3. A vertical garden can act as extra insulation
Did you know that vertical gardens provide effective natural insulation? Such a benefit is probably an advantage for anyone and any type of establishment or property, given that such an effective method of insulation can help save energy for the respective place or building.
As a result, you can reduce your expenses, given that your energy bill can decrease quite significantly. And, who doesn’t want that? If you think about this benefit, together with the fact that a vertical garden can improve the air quality, chances are you won’t give it a second thought before deciding to grow or install one.

Vertical gardens act as extra natural insulation for hot air or cold air, depending on the season. Any homeowner or business owner wants this for the properties where they live or work. It isn’t surprising that you would like to lower your energy bill.
And if you can do so with such a natural alternative, even better. Therefore, a vertical garden is able to add extra layers of natural insulation to your place, keeping a balanced temperature inside. Imagine during summer what a refreshed air and cool temperature you will have indoors. Not to mention, the entire aesthetic improved, which can also improve the mood and overall well-being.
It is essential to mention that if you have a small place, one green wall would still act as an effective insulator and air purifier. However, it is understandable that this would be at a smaller scale, compared to a vertical garden grown in a large office or bigger house. Nonetheless, it is incredibly beneficial. And your budget will thank you, too.
4. A vertical garden can absorb unwanted noise
If you thought that vertical gardens being able to provide insulation was an unusual aspect but a benefit nevertheless, you will probably be quite surprised to find out that these types of gardens can also absorb unwanted noise. If you have problems with your neighbours, this will convince you to grow a living green wall right away. This benefit is not so widely known, but it surely is noteworthy.

The structure of a living green wall, or vertical garden, can provide this absorption, being able to reduce the noise level coming into the property or building. Even when you think on a larger scale, such as a highway, for example, plants have been used as an effective method of reducing traffic noise.
Hence, a living green wall installed in your home or business can block or diminish sounds that have a higher frequency by acting as sound insulation (apart from temperature insulation). Any acoustic energy is better absorbed, and noise coming in will be reduced. It is incredible to think about how many benefits plants have and how a vertical garden can provide them on a larger scale.
5. It is easier to do maintenance for a vertical garden than a traditional one
If you have the opportunity and space of growing a traditional garden, then you know how tiring it can be to maintain it. While taking care of a backyard garden and seeing your plants and flowers thriving and blooming can give you great satisfaction, it can also be quite the challenge to properly maintain it.
And even if you don’t have the chance of growing a traditional garden, it isn’t news that this endeavour entails a lot of bending, weeding, and a great deal of physical activity in general. As passionate as one can be, there is no denying that this can be pretty exhausting at times.

But if you grow a vertical garden, this won’t be an issue anymore. If you decide to grow a living green wall, you will save a lot of time and energy when tending to the plants. Watering a vertical garden is a much more manageable action than it is for potted plants or an entire traditional garden.
Plus, whenever you have to deadhead the plants or simply tend to them, you won’t have to do it at the expense of your back or energy. Instead, it will be a calming activity that you can enjoy to the fullest.
This doesn’t mean that horizontally grown gardens aren’t a joy to have. But for some people, maintaining it represents a difficult task. In this case, the option of growing a vertical garden matches their needs better. And let’s not forget all the other benefits mentioned so far – they can easily convince anyone to grow a live green wall!
6. A vertical garden can save water
Last but surely not the least important benefit is that with a vertical garden you can save water. So, not only is this type of gardening able to lower your energy bills given that it can provide natural insulation, but it can also conserve water, reducing consumption. In a nutshell, vertical gardens are an environmentally friendly option. Therefore, growing a living green wall is a sustainable practice, even more so if you decide to grow your produce.
Watering takes much less effort for a vertical garden, and you can choose to do this manually or by installing a drip irrigation system or a hydroponic system. Such systems provide rich-nutrient water for your living green wall, which you can control depending on the type of plants you want to grow.
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Any remaining water is stored in a tray, and you can choose to drain it away or reuse it for the vertical garden. Therefore, you save water, given that waste is significantly reduced compared to other forms of gardens. Even if the water is not recycled, the remaining amount is much lower, thanks to the irrigation systems, allowing better water management.
What Types of Plants Can You Use in A Vertical Garden?
When it comes to growing a vertical garden, it is of the utmost importance to know the recommended types of plants to include on your green wall. By knowing what lush greenery to plant, you will be able to create a collection of great plants that will comprise your vertical garden. Then, you will witness how a simple and quite drab wall transforms into a display that is full of life – literally.
So, the type of plants that will do best in a vertical garden consists of grasses, succulents, perennial shrubs, herbs, and ferns.
When choosing the plants, it is vital you take into consideration many factors. Apart from the desired aesthetics you want to accomplish, which requires creativity and even thinking outside the box, you need to consider the living conditions so that the plants can thrive.
This means that you need to think about the direction of the wall – is it facing north or south? Making a note of this will help you choose the types of plants to grow in your vertical garden. So, depending on the answer, you will need plants that require direct sunlight or others that grow well in partial shade.

For instance, ferns will be thriving in your vertical garden if they are placed in the shade. So, if your wall is not in an area with excellent sun exposure, you should choose to grow ferns and hostas, for example. For a splash of colour, you could add the Japanese iris, as it can grow well in part shade.
Alternatively, if your vertical garden is in direct sunlight or partial bright light, your plant collection could include ivy geranium, hoya, or orchids.
Choosing the types of plants for a green wall is a matter of personal preference, the creativity of the owner, and the desired design style. But before anything else, it should be a matter of choosing the right plants in accordance with the available conditions. A thriving virtual garden will improve the aesthetic of its surroundings as well as provide the beneficial traits mentioned above.
Where Can You Grow a Vertical Garden?
As mentioned earlier, vertical gardens are some of the most functional and versatile methods of gardening. Growing such a living green wall is not a difficult task, and even if you are a novice gardener, you can opt for this type of gardening, given that its maintenance is relatively low. And it can be such a joy of tending to a vertical garden and seeing it grow before your eyes.

Whether you have a small or large room allocated for this garden or want to enhance the aesthetics of your home or office, vertical gardens can adapt to any environment and available space. A vertical garden’s functionality is noteworthy; from maximizing the space to improving the air quality, it can be grown almost anywhere. It is crucial you choose the types of plants that do best in a vertical garden so that you can use them to their fullest potential. Only this way can you truly enjoy growing and maintaining this wonderful green wall.
In Conclusion
This complete guide on vertical gardens has revealed how easy it is to maintain this gardening style and how it can perfectly fit any space, maximizing it and enhancing its aesthetic. What’s more, there are a multitude of benefits if you decide to grow a vertical garden, so it isn’t just a practical option and an excellent opportunity for individuals who have limited room available.
Vertical gardens can also be highly beneficial to your health. With the ability to improve air quality by purifying it, providing natural insulation, conserving energy, and reducing noise levels, there is no doubt that a vertical garden is an excellent addition for homes, businesses, and other establishments.
If you have started growing your own vertical garden, please share the experience you’ve had so far in the comment section below!