Free Gardening eBooks – Download Below
We are pleased to offer GardenBeast visitors a selection of free eBooks to download on different gardening topics. Each eBook is beautifully presented and formatted in an easy to read PDF file with accompanying images. The books range from 16 to 52 pages long and cover the subjects in lots of detail.
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Organic Gardening For Beginners
- Guide to get Started Organic Gardening
- 44 Pages
- Free Download
Gardening in any form is therapeutic and relaxing not to mention a way to enjoy success as you bite into the first ripe tomato of the season. When you choose to go organic, you are making a choice to protect the environment as well as your family when you grow your own food.
While most of this book has been directed toward vegetable gardens, the same concepts can be applied to flower gardens. Going organic is so important to the Earth as we need to preserve our natural resources and insure we have a healthy place to live.
Above all, gardening is fun and is a skill that, once acquired, can be a lifelong companion. It is not a skill that must be mastered to be enjoyed, and it is extremely adaptable to diverse needs and abilities.
The health benefits of organic gardening are many, but the emotional benefits are so much more. By going organic, you will know that you are doing everything you can not only for Mother Earth, but also for your family. We should all strive for the natural pleasures that we have been given..
100 Gardening Tips
- 100 Essential tips for Gardening
- 19 Pages
- Free Download
Before you start with gardening, you need to make sure that you are going to have the time in taking care of your plants. Growing your plants requires tending loving care, and there are lots of things involved in it. Thus, check if you would be
able to come up with an effective daily schedule first, before you start planting the seeds.
When you start gardening, there are certain materials that you would need such as a rake, pots, shovel, and such. Thus, it is best if you gather all the materials first, so that you would be able to start with your gardening in a smoother way. If you need to purchase some of them, make sure that you visit reputable stores for it, so that you can be assured of their quality.
Make a plan for your gardening. Your plan should include the kind of space that you would need for your plants. Aside from that, it should also involve the steps that you want to take, so that you would have something to refer to from time to time. Making a plan and following it should get you started on the right path when it comes to gardening.
Vegetable Gardening For Beginners
- Complete Guide to Vegetable Gardening
- 35 Pages
- Free Download
Vegetable Gardening For Beginners
- Chapter 1 – How Growing Vegetables Can Save You Money
- Chapter 2 – Vegetable Gardens – An Old Idea
- Chapter 3 – Growing Vegetables From Seeds Or Plants
- Chapter 4 – What to grow
- Chapter 5 – Measuring the garden area
- Chapter 6 – Preparing the soil
- Chapter 7 – Proper planting
- Chapter 8 – Caring for growing plants
- Chapter 9 – How to harvest plants
- Chapter 10 – Preserving vegetables and fruits
- Chapter 11 – Creating a root cellar
- Chapter 12 – Indoor gardens for herbs
- Chapter 13 – How much can you save?
Greener Living For A Greener World
- Complete guide to greener living
- 52 Pages
- Free Download
What is Green Living?
We hear a lot about green living on an almost daily basis, yet many people aren’t aware of what those very important words are really all about.
Green living, or living green as men refer to it as, is living your life in an environmentally responsible and eco friendly way in an attempt to decrease the ecological impact you’ll make.
- Section 1. What is Green Living?
- Section 2. Better Choices Make for Greener Living
- Section 3. Benefits of Buying Green Energy
- Section 4. Green Appliances Really Can Make a Difference
- Section 5. Introducing Children to Living Green
- Section 6. Providing your Children with a Green Lifestyle
- Section 7. Simple Step for Living in a Greener World
- Section 8. Making Your Home More Green
- Section 9. Living Green Is Making Healthy Choices
- Section 10.Living Green is Easier than You Think
- Section 11. How Recycling Can Help Our Planet
- Section 12. Driving Your Way to a Green Future
- Section 13. Make Your Next Party a Green Party
- Section14. Going Green in the Classroom
- Section 15. Recycling Paper for Greener Living
- Section 16. Tax Deductions for Living Green
- Section 17. Using Green Bags for Greener Living
- Section 18. Snacking Your Way to a Greener Planet
- Section 19. Greener Ideas to Make for a Greener World
- Section 20. Green Living to Lower Your Energy Bill
- Section 21. Buying a Home While Going Green
- Section 22.Green Living Inside Your Home to Save Energy and Money Section 23. Sending Your Children to School with Green Supplies
- Section 24. Transportation Tips to Ensure a Greener Life
- Section 25. Benefits of Green Living
51 Tips For Greenhouse Gardening
- 51 Tips to Start Green House Gardening
- 16 Pages
- Free Download
Greenhouses can be a very fulfilling investment. This ebook is designed to give you some great ideas about how to start an awesome greenhouse garden.
Why a Greenhouse?
This first set of tips will discuss some of the great reasons to start a greenhouse.
1. Winter Plants
Many people have greenhouses so that they can grow plants to use in the winter. It’s easier to grow smaller vegetables for this purpose than bigger ones.
2. Early Start
Having a greenhouse is a great way to get an early start for tender plants seedlings. You can protect these young plants better in a greenhouse, thus having better success.
3. Experiment
Having a greenhouse can be a fun hobby. With a greenhouse, you can experiment with different plants, or to develop new varieties.
Download Now to discover another 48 tips…
Herbs 101 For Beginners
- Ultimate guide to Herbs for Beginners
- 33 Pages
- Free Download
Natural herbs have been in use since the dawn of time. The Chinese have been using these flavorful weeds for everything from spicing up a favorite dish to curing allergies. Common herbs are most known for their culinary uses. There are medicinal applications for herbs as well.
- Chapter 1 – An Introduction To Herbs
- Chapter 2 – Herbs in the Kitchen
- Chapter 3 – Growing an Herb Garden
- Chapter 4 – Collecting Herbs
- Chapter 6 – Storing Herbs
- Chapter 7 – Adding Herbs to the Cook Pot
- Chapter 8 – Homemade Herbal Mixtures
- Chapter 9 – Great Sources for Seeds and Plants
- Chapter 10 – Resources For Dried Herbs
- Chapter 11 – The Herbal Medicine Cabinet
- Chapter 12 – Summary
- Chapter 13 – Resources
- Chapter 14 – Sample Recipes
Attract Butterflies Into Your Garden
- Attract Butterflies into Your Garden
- 21 Pages
- Free Download
“Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. And everyone deserves a little sunshine.” ~Jeffrey Glassberg
There are many, many people who love to watch butterflies as they flit through the air slowly and gracefully. If you never have, you certainly should! Butterflies provide beauty in an often ugly world. They give us insight into the world of nature and how wonderful and complex it is. But the butterfly is much more than that.
Humans need butterflies. Often unnoticed, they play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature and health of the living world. Butterflies pollinate wild plants and our crops, ensuring the production of seeds and fruits required for the continued survival of plants and animals, including humans.
Due to their fragility to ecological change, butterflies are elegant indicators of ecosystem health. Plus, Butterflies are a valuable source of food for songbirds.
There are over 17,000 species of butterflies worldwide – 7,000 of which are in North America alone. Butterflies weigh as little as 2 rose petals, but they can fly worldwide.