All respectable gardeners secretly dream of having a one-of-a-kind plant collection, so this is your time to shine! If you are not familiar with it already, know that Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’ a.k.a. Manjula Pothos is an eye-catching houseplant that has a lot to offer.
Manjula Pothos plants are pretty popular ornamentals worldwide, especially in those warm and humid areas. Not only do these variegated buddies have one of the most attractive foliage out there, but they are also much easier to grow and care for than you might imagine.
Once you find the perfect environment for them, Manjula Pothos plants can basically take care of themselves without too much effort on your part. Being very adaptable in general, they can withstand a wide range of lighting conditions, soil types, or humidity levels.
These plants are also drought-tolerant, so they will not hesitate to forgive you if it happens to forget about them once in a while.
About Manjula Pothos
- Epipremnum species are generally native to various regions worldwide, but this is not the case for our Manjula Pothos plants. They are propagated and patented varieties produced by the specialists at the University of Florida.
- Manjula Pothos plants perform best in areas with lots of bright and indirect sunlight. They are winter hardy only in the warmer USDA zones 11 to 13.
- They tend to have an overall horizontal, cascading growth habit, making them excellent choices for hanging baskets. You can also help these plants grow straight up by providing them with some organic support, such as a totem pole made of coconut coir.
- If the region you are living in allows you to grow Manjula Pothos plants outdoors, it is wise to train them well to climb on other plants. Likewise, they will look absolutely gorgeous on a trellis.
- Manjula Pothos plants are mildly toxic to both humans and animals. It is wise to grow them in a location where your curious kids or furry friends cannot reach them.
- The perfect companion plants for Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’ include Arrowhead Plant, Dieffenbachia, Ponytail Palm, and other Pothos species that have similar growing requirements.

Manjula Pothos Features: An Overview
- These plants belong to the Epipremnum genus that contains only evergreen perennials. They are trailing or climbing vines that typically grow at a moderate to fast pace.
- In outdoor settings, Manjula Pothos plants can reach tremendous heights of 60 feet (18 m). Potted specimens, however, will grow only up to 6 feet (1.8 m) in height and less dense.
- Their foliage consists of wide, bright, wavy, hear-shaped, and waxy leaves that grow on long, slender, and greenish to white stems. Their variegated leaves come in many shades of green, silver, cream, and white.
- Each leaf of these plants is different, varying in colour combinations and patterns. While most leaves have large areas of green, others can appear heavily splashed or flecked. The creamy areas usually feature speckles or spots of other hues.
- Although there are some exceptions in the species, Manjula Pothos plants feature no flowers or fruits. Moreover, their leaves do not lay as flat as other Pothos species do.
Growing Manjula Pothos
If you want to keep their hypnotic variegated foliage alive, the proper amount of sunlight should be on your priority list. Manjula Pothos plants grow at their best in low to bright light, but make sure you do not expose them to direct sunlight. Too much sun can disturb your beloved plants, scorching their paler, white leaves. On the other hand, the variegation may disappear if your plants receive too little light for a long time.
In general, Manjula Pothos plants thrive in moderate to warm conditions all year round. They do well in temperatures that range from 60 to 80 °F (16-27 °C). Due to their low tolerance to frost, most gardeners grow these plants indoors to protect them from harsh winter conditions. We warmly recommend you grow your companions in pots and bring them inside in early autumn once the weather starts to get cooler.
Manjula Pothos plants are typically carefree when it comes to pest infestations. Still, some intruders like spider mites, scale insects, or mealybugs can bother your plants occasionally. You can sidestep these issues by providing good air ventilation and also avoiding over-crowding or over-watering. If you notice any suspect presence on your plants, remove the pests using a spray water bottle and apply suitable insecticides/pesticides for severe cases.
- Vibrant Foliage: Enjoy the lush, trailing vines of the Manjula Pothos plant, adorned with heart-shaped leaves in a striking blend of green, yellow, and cream hues.
- Low Maintenance: Ideal for beginners, this plant thrives in a range of light conditions and requires minimal watering, making it a hassle-free addition to any space.
- Air Purifying: The Manjula Pothos is renowned for its ability to purify indoor air by removing harmful toxins, creating a healthier environment.
- Versatile Placement: With its trailing vines, this plant can be displayed in hanging baskets, on shelves, or allowed to cascade from tabletops for a touch of natural elegance.
- Continuous Growth: With proper care, the Manjula Pothos will continue to grow and trail, adding lush greenery to your living or workspace.
- Effortless Care: The Pothos plant is an easy-to-grow, low-maintenance houseplant that thrives in a wide range of conditions.
- Stunning Foliage: Featuring lush, heart-shaped green leaves with splashes of golden variegation, this trendy plant adds a touch of natural beauty to any space.
- Air-Purifying Properties: Known for its ability to remove toxins from the air, the Pothos helps create a healthier indoor environment.
- Versatile Placement: Suitable for hanging baskets, shelves, or tabletops, this plant can adapt to various lighting conditions, from bright to low light.
Last update on 2024-10-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Planting Manjula Pothos
In terms of soil, Manjula Pothos plants can grow in absolutely any type of substrate as long as it has an acidic to neutral pH (6-6.5). Thanks to this, you can plant your babies in regular, good-quality houseplant potting soil found in your local garden centre. When searching for a suitable growing medium, look for one that also comes with excellent drainage. Plant them in a container that has drainage holes at the bottom to avoid root rot.
The best thing about Manjula Pothos buddies is that they do not need too much fertilizing if you grow them in high-quality soil. This kind of substrate will give your lovely plants all the nutrients they want for several months after planting. During their active growing period, however, they will demand special attention. Feed your plants with a balanced liquid fertilizer once every two weeks in spring and summer to promote healthy growth.
Sometimes, Manjula Pothos plants may stop growing as usual or their leaves may look a bit sparse. If you encounter this problem, do not panic and give your plants a well-deserved fresh start! You can cut the unhealthy stems back to the soil level and other young stems will appear in a few weeks.
Although these plants do not usually grow at a very fast pace, they can become pot-bound with time. Manjula Pothos plants will require repotting in situations where their roots are clumping together or growing out of the bottom of the container. Once they start to outgrow their pots, you should transplant them in others that are one size larger than the current ones.
Watering Manjula Pothos
Manjula Pothos plants are very easy to grow and care for in general, so why would be their watering demands any different? One of the greatest features of these fellows is their ability to tolerate drought for a long time. You will be more than surprised to find out that they will do just fine with only one inch (2.5 cm) of water once every 2 to 3 weeks. Aren’t they charming?
Yet, there is one thing that you should take into consideration when it comes to watering them. Manjula Pothos plants do not appreciate tap water at all, so you will have to spoil them with bottled water instead.
Humidity-wise, Manjula Pothos plants are more than adaptable. Even if these plants come from the tropics and prefer high humidity, they will also withstand drier conditions. In very dry regions, however, you must spray them with water regularly to maintain the ideal humidity levels.

Propagating Manjula Pothos
With Manjula Pothos plants, propagation is a very easy process, even when you have little to no experience in the gardening world! The most common method of making more of these beauties is through stem cuttings. And if the universe has blessed you with plant lovers among your family members or friends, why not share some of these babies with them?
The best propagation materials you can use are those stems that come packed with aerial roots. But in case you cannot find any on your Manjula Pothos plant, no worries! You can always use basic stem cuttings and expect the same results, although they may not root as fast as the first ones.
As a general rule, the cut stems must have at least 2 inches (5 cm) in length. Once you have your Manjula Pothos cuttings, you must place them in a jar filled with water. It is mandatory to change their water to maintain their growing medium always fresh.
When their tiny roots start to show up and grow bigger, usually after a week or two, you can transplant the cuttings in their permanent location. A quick tip: maintain their soil constantly damp so their roots will not suffer from the sudden change, then cut back on the watering once established.
The cuttings can also grow just fine directly in damp potting soil, but you will not be able to check the progress of their root development. Keep their container in a warm area where they can receive plenty of bright, indirect light. Moreover, provide the cuttings with water whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. With proper care, your Manjula Pothos cuttings will root in one month or so.
In Conclusion
When these plants are so low-demanding and can thrive without any special effort on your part, you cannot possibly have any good reasons to not give them a chance! Plus, their showy, variegated foliage worths all that little time you invest in them. Hurry up and get yourself a Manjula Pothos because they are pretty rare and growing and caring for them is quite rewarding!